That was the exact question someone asked me in a function sometimes ago when she saw the write up on my shirt 'Save the Boys Initiative'. You know what? I don't struggle to answer such questions, not even in my dream. I sure gave her an answer that brought her light and made her sober.
That question is the same reason why we are in this mess today and it's looking almost impossible to correct the mistake of such negligence. We always feel the boys are okay, they don't have any problem, they will take care of themselves and so on. Well, we are seeing the result of that costly assumption today.
It's such a pity where this carelessness has landed us.
If our boys are not equipped to lead families, then the families of the next generation will have no leaders.
Saving our boys requires an intentional effort in seeing to their well-being and skillfully inculcating the right values in them. Whatever you see them manifest is what they have been taught or exposed to because every boy came from a family.
The place of raising responsible Men cannot be underemphasized or overemphasized because that is the most effective way of curbing societal crises, they will grow to become husbands, fathers and leaders, and will live out what they have been exposed to.
It's a long journey of healing that may look hopeless but it's possible.
How intentional are you in raising healthy boys?
Think about this and rise up to work!!
📸 Booth Camp 2019
Ebuka Obika Ede
Save the Boys Initiative

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