Malachi 4:6 And He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”
The key to restoration is for the hearts of Fathers and Children to be turned to each other. This turning is needed at every level of life and in the society at large.
The lack/absence of Fathers have created devastating voids and has become the major contributing cause of loose sexual morals as well as many illness and social dysfunctions.
The absence of true Fathers in the house of the Lord has also led to many dysfunctions in the body of Christ. So the last commandment from the old testament addresses what is today a serious issue.
For a society to be healed, the Fathers must turn to their children and fill the void of their absence, this is a revolution that will take place before the Lord returns. I believe it will be a revolution of Mercy because it's purpose will be to avert a catastrophic judgement.
As we celebrate this special day for Fathers, let us evaluate our lives and make commitment for a lasting change. Let's join our hands together to fight and win the war over our families and Nation.
I already see an Army Rising and I am grateful to God for this revolution. God is raising Young Men that will bring about a reformation and change the order of things positively. Let's keep making a difference.
I love and celebrate you all!
Ebuka Obika Ede
Save the Boys Initiative
📸Kolawole David Dolapo

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