Man of Honour

Dear Son,
You are a man of honour.
You can say No to evil and stand for purity. Rape, assault and violence against women and girls is never the character of a responsible man. You have a responsibility to protect, nurture and honour her.
We also see your pain, struggles and all the abuse you go through. We are standing with you and will work to see that you are protected and get all the help you need.
Be in control of your emotions and never a slave to your flesh.
You are a leader and King, do not waste your strength on that which destroy Kings.
Love is not sex, lust or abuse. It is a commitment to live responsibly, respect and protect women and girls from all form of abuse and violence.
Never forget that self control is key and following the crowd is not cool. Being a gentleman is never outdated.
Live as an ambassador of peace and purity. Protect the great future ahead of you and work to make the world a peaceful place.
There is a great future for you and we are all waiting to see your exploit and global impact. Commit again today to live responsibly and protect the dignity of manhood.
With love,
Ebuka & Ruth
Save the Boys Initiative

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