It was a beautiful experience today with ABUJA MOMS at the walk against Child Molestation.
UNICEF reported that 1 in every 4 girls and 1 in every 10 boys experience sexual violence before the age of 18 (the rate for boys is low because it is underreported). Sadly this menace is getting worse by the day.
The ripple effect of child molestation is devastating, most of them grow up to become hurting individuals displaying different negative behaviours if they don't get healed.
Let's shatter the silence and stop this menace so that we can protect the future of our children and build the society of our dream.
We say NO to child sexual molestation whether boy or girl.
Thanks to Happiness Ochi-Ani the Founder Abuja Moms for having Save the Boys Initiative join in this walk, we are glad to connect with you.

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