Dear Parent

You've home trained the girl child very well. You've inculcated good habits in them. You've groomed them well. They are focused and are excelling. They are been adequately prepared for marriage.

Thank you.

Now can you please turn and face the boys. I don't know the kind of men we are raising these days.

Tell your boys they won't die if they pick their plates and wash them after eating.

Tell them they won't suffer stroke if they sweep and mop the house.

Teach them how to cook too, it won't reduce their manhood.

Tell them they won't have hypertension if their rooms are kept clean. Tell them it is not a bad thing for them to wash their clothes.

Tell them their skin won't peel off if they bathe at least twice daily and their teeth won't fall off if they brush at least twice daily!

Tell them it is decent to wash their boxers once or twice after using them! Tell them it doesn't cost a thing to be an honest man.

Tell them it is bad for a man to be promiscuous!

Tell them that it is not a sign of manliness to shout at people.

Teach them good manners.

The society needs virtuous men too so let them know it pays to be one!

Stop saying "they are boys, house chores are meant for the girls, he will soon marry" etc

You think when they marry, their wives will come and do magic? It is not easy to change the habits of a full-grown man.

Let your focus not be on the girl child alone. Train the male child too. Don't let loose ill-mannered men into the society to come and trouble innocent responsible women.

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